Eco Commitment
Ecological and Sustainable Commitment
We are committed to working for the well-being of the planet through concrete actions such as the elimination of plastic and the use of recycled materials, the use of clean and renewable energies, the reduction of CO2 emissions… A commitment to local manufacturing and local products, from 2019 to 2021 our European production has tripled, and a commitment to an ecological and sustainable future by promoting the planting of trees.
Eco Commitment
Ecological and Sustainable Commitment
We are committed to working for the well-being of the planet through concrete actions such as the elimination of plastic and the use of recycled materials, the use of clean and renewable energies, the reduction of CO2 emissions… A commitment to local manufacturing and local products, from 2019 to 2021 our European production has tripled, and a commitment to an ecological and sustainable future by promoting the planting of trees.